Useful Websites
Most of these websites work well on the interactive whiteboard. Some are tablet friendly.
- ICT Games Writing Repeater is an excellent tool for teaching handwriting. It allows you to write on the interactive whiteboard or on a tablet and records your letter formation as you write. This can be played back to the class without you or your hand being in the way.
- Roy The Zebra Here are a selection of interactive games which develop an awareness of alphabetical order, correct usage of capital letters and comprehension.
- Letters and Sounds This is a selection of phonics resources and games which align to the Jolly Phonics phases.
- Dolch Spelling Game A set of fun games which reinforce the spelling of all Dolch words.
- Top Marks This website has lots of excellent games for counting, sequencing numbers, addition, shape etc. Most are tablet friendly and all of them can be used on the interactive whiteboard.
- Oxford Owl This is an excellent resource which allows you to access Oxford Reading Tree books on tablets or a laptop. Children can listen to the story being read aloud or else read the story to themselves. Lots of supplementary activities are included. You can create a free account for an individual or a class login.
- Stay Safe Programme online resources and teacher manuals.
- is an excellent tool which allows you to watch YouTube videos in the classroom without distractions. It works by allowing you to search for a video or pasting in YouTube link and it removes the suggested videos sidebar as well as the comments section.
- is a free classroom noise monitor. The sensitivity level can be adjusted if necessary.