ClassDojo Portfolios Quick Start Guide for Teachers
1. Visit and click Sign up as a….Teacher.
2. Complete Form.
3. Find or add your school. Ensure all teachers use the same school name (important when adding co-teachers). Click Join this School.
4. Click +New Class.
5. Choose grade level and whether or not to share points with parents. If you are using ClassDojo for home learning, it may not be necessary to use points.
6. Click + Add Students and type or paste your list here.
7. Click Student Login.
8. Choose At Home Student Login-Individual Student Codes. This will generate a unique QR (quick response) code for each student. Treat this like a password. It needs to be shared with parents. You could do this by screen-shotting the code and instructions for each child and emailing it to parents.
9. Click the person icon in top right hand corner and Account Settings to edit settings.
Language/Region: choose Europe/Dublin. This will be relevant when setting “quiet hours” later.
Messaging: set quiet hours so you don’t receive notifications/messages after work hours or at weekends.
Comments: These relate to the Class Story which is used for announcements. Turn on or off parent comment feature.
10. Teachers can set a task by choosing Portfolios and Create Activity. You can give instructions and choose a format for the work to be submitted.
Teachers having to moderate work is automatically turned on and cannot be turned off.
Students and parents can only see their own/their child’s work once it has been approved by the teacher. Parents can see feedback left on work by the teacher.
You cannot disable the parent messaging feature which is a two way communication channel. If you do not wish to use this, please inform parents that you will not be attending to messages received on the ClassDojo platform and to use usual school approved communication methods.
The Class Story feature can be used to send out announcements and videos from the teacher.
1. Visit and click Sign up as a….Teacher.
2. Complete Form.
3. Find or add your school. Ensure all teachers use the same school name (important when adding co-teachers). Click Join this School.
4. Click +New Class.
5. Choose grade level and whether or not to share points with parents. If you are using ClassDojo for home learning, it may not be necessary to use points.
6. Click + Add Students and type or paste your list here.
7. Click Student Login.
8. Choose At Home Student Login-Individual Student Codes. This will generate a unique QR (quick response) code for each student. Treat this like a password. It needs to be shared with parents. You could do this by screen-shotting the code and instructions for each child and emailing it to parents.
9. Click the person icon in top right hand corner and Account Settings to edit settings.
Language/Region: choose Europe/Dublin. This will be relevant when setting “quiet hours” later.
Messaging: set quiet hours so you don’t receive notifications/messages after work hours or at weekends.
Comments: These relate to the Class Story which is used for announcements. Turn on or off parent comment feature.
10. Teachers can set a task by choosing Portfolios and Create Activity. You can give instructions and choose a format for the work to be submitted.
Teachers having to moderate work is automatically turned on and cannot be turned off.
Students and parents can only see their own/their child’s work once it has been approved by the teacher. Parents can see feedback left on work by the teacher.
You cannot disable the parent messaging feature which is a two way communication channel. If you do not wish to use this, please inform parents that you will not be attending to messages received on the ClassDojo platform and to use usual school approved communication methods.
The Class Story feature can be used to send out announcements and videos from the teacher.